You aren't just a participant, you will be part of the City Boot Camp Family!
It doesn't matter if you struggle, if you need an individual solution or you are just looking to workout in a great group: we are here for you!
Come and become part of the City Boot Camp Family
You have an individual situation and no package fits your individual needs?
No problem, feel free to write me and I am sure we will find the right solution for you.
I am a City Boot Camp member for several years already. All the trainers have a sense of humor and unique personalities. They offer great sessions. The wide variety of sessions matches everyone’s expectations.
The other participants are great as well. It is fun, keeps us in shape and is worth every single cent.
Vienna’s best Boot Camp!
Very intensive training sessions that always push you beyond your limits. The trainer team is highly qualified, motivated, makes sure that the technique is performed correctly and always encourages the participants to go beyond their limits. Although it is a group training, the trainer team tries to meet the individual needs of every person. The trainings are diversified and there is always a great atmosphere. After a training session I feel exhausted but incredibly great.
The Boot Camp is appropriate for every fitness level. Newcomers start with the Power Boot Camp or Beginner Boot Camp – for this course, there is no prior experience needed.
The Power Boot Camp is a circuit training. In this workout, the exercises are done with special equipment and bodyweight. This workout is appropriate for both beginners as well as advanced Boot Campers.
The classical City Boot Camp (Beginner & Intermediate) promotes fitness and is demanding in terms of endurance. As a beginner, you should be able to run 3-5 minutes without a break. Short sequences of running are always alternating with strength exercises. Even experienced athletes can improve their athletic skills with our Boot Camps.
The high effectiveness of our City Boot Camps comes from the combination of functional strength and endurance exercises that are alternated without or with just a small break. This leads to the fact, that we incorporate both very intensive and less intensive exercises – also known as interval training. This variation of exercises makes sure that the heart remains in an effective area and leads to a higher energy expenditure even hours after training. Most of our exercises are performed with bodyweight only or small equipment such as resistance bands. This way it is possible to work many muscles at the same time and to strengthen the whole body.
The City Boot Camp is great for shaping your body, becoming a fitter person, building strength and endurance.